Evan’s Insight: The Final Stretch


As the final four weeks of senior year commences, the senioritis has never felt any stronger for those departing for college after spring of 2021. With the upcoming prom and the Disney trip in our near future, will it be enough to keep students motivated for this year’s final stride?

For many seniors, the realization that the 4-year grind, not including the rest of their schooling careers, is all coming to fruition soon in the biggest payoff any senior could imagine. We’re finally getting to graduate from high school once and for all! Fortunately, that’s not what the actual payoff is, because that would be fairly underwhelming compared to what’s actually happening. While we will be graduating in May, most student’s minds are focused on the 4 days of vacation in Orlando that will make up our Disney/Orlando trip. I got to interview one of my fellow classmates, Will Vogt, about his thoughts on the trip, and he told me that it’s one of the main reasons he’s motivated to have a strong finish to this year. In retrospect, he’s one of many Seniors who is hoping these events can come sooner than later so his and many others’ hard work is finally rewarded.

While these next 4 weeks may seem like another whole mountain for us to climb, if we stay persistent and keep pushing forward while remembering to enjoy the rest of our time in high school while we have it, this year will be over in a blink.