Unexpected Halloween Dangers

Halloween is always an exciting holiday for kids and parents,i gave out candies and saw many kid dressing up and go trick or treating.Doctors and other medical experts want to remind people for safety, here are some key steps from ABC News manager Unni mentioned :


Wait For a Green Light to Cross

Kids are very excited for to go for another house and may easily forget the basic safety guidelines, so they would run across the street without left and right. The driver would see moving shining object, it must be a child. So children should travel in group and use reflective tape or glow sticks so they are more visible to drivers.

How Much Candy is Too Much?

Manager Unni said parents should decide how much candy children should have at the end of the night, she recommend to save candy for the rest of the week. “Every day they can enjoy a little bit of Halloween,” said Unni.

The key tips manager Unni mentioned is very important is Halloween safety, it can help children to stay away from dangerous.  I joined once the Halloween in my apartment a few years ago. A group of children running after the organizer, going from a house to another,trick or treat. It was late at night, can’t see clearly, so when fall behind the organizer can’t even notice it. Also, kids are dressing up in costumes so it’s hard to tell who is it. After trick or treat kids often receive many candies, if they eat too much at night it would be bad for their teeth, they should save some for later on.