International Women’s Day: Be Bold for Change

Angela Lian, Reporter

March 8th is the International Women’s Day, 2017 Women’s Day’s campaign theme is “Be Bold for Change”. In most cultures, for a long time, women didn’t hold enough power in their hands and didn’t have a strong voice that can be heard. However, the recent decades, movements for women’s rights had gained women more power than ever, the movements help all people realize that women and men are no different, all deserve respect in every way.

International Women’s Day sets a reminder for us for all the suffering we’ve been through and the sacrifices the pointer has made for the achievements we have today. We’ve already changed the world’s prejudice for women in most countries, there are more waiting for us to save.

Nowadays, there is some physical and psychological difference between male and female, but the the difference doesn’t mean any feature is more superior than another, what women have sought for so long is parity, the respect that every human being shared.