Flood Story 2017


Edward Li, Writer

The city of Houston locates at a fairly low sea level and near the coast line, therefore it is also easy for water to get struck on the low area of Houston. However, nothing has come near to cause this level of destructions in the city. The level of rainfall cause by Harvey broke the historical record in Texas. It is also the reason why people wasn’t expecting the flood to hit them that quick and heavy. But there are many recovery projects that are going to be needed.

Absolutely nothing happened in the house of Garza during the Harvey. In fact, the highest water level in the neighborhood was just above my ankle. It was fun driving a bike down the streets when it is raining outside. 

However, we did heard about the other people’s horrible news, so many of the northland students, including myself, went and helped other northland family’s reconstruction of their house. I, specifically, helped the house of Mr. Kaner’s mother. The water level at their house can reach your chest. First we dogged out the wooden flanks on the floor, then we destroy the wall and took out the insolation, last we spray bleach onto the remaining structure that are left. All of these was to prevent the water that’s in the wall to go even further upwards. Most of the flooded house in Houston has used those mentioned methods to fix their houses.