Spain Catalonia Crisis


Edward Li, Writer

Recently, things are heating up in country of Spain. Tensions increase as one of Spains’ richest region – Catalonia – wants independent for itself. As the Spanish government start sending police force to stop the many riots cause by those catalonian independentists, two governments started to issue the legal independence bill for Catalonia to prevent the potential civil in Spain.

The Catalonia has been the most powerful region in Spain for decades. For it holds 16% Spanish population and 20% Spain’s GDP. However, despite the independence it has been given by Madrid economic and authorities wise, some separatists in Catalonia just want total independent from Spain. On Oct.1st the governor of Catalonia announced a regional referendum in the Catalonia area, and the 91% percent of the voter turnout voted “yes” for the independent of Catalonia. However, because the total voters turnout is less than half the population in Catalonia, so the Spanish government declared the event illegal and sent in national police force to maintain orders in the voting stadium. And eventually, violent broke out on the street of Catalonia. The violence between the Catalonian and Spanish government led to a more severe protest at Spain. It would be interesting to see what’s going to happened next  in this issue. If Catalonia success to gain independent from Spain, we might have the youngest nation on earth.

However, Senior Macie Baker said: “This can the the most important crisis that had happened in Spain for decades. A potential of civil war could be possible in Spain due to this event. Senior Jordan Wang also says: “I am looking forward to visit Catalonia during the summer, but if there will be a civil war, I can’t make it there anymore!”