Venting: Northland Uniforms

Christa Flippen, writer/editor

Northland need to chill when it comes to our uniforms. Honestly, I understand the point and purpose of having a uniform and dress code but seriously, sometimes it’s ridiculous.

First off the uniform prices are literally through the roof! Back to school shopping costs me hundreds of dollars every year, and that’s only counting the uniforms. With them being so expensive you would assume they would at least be moderately comfortable right?… wrong. From the itchy skirts to the stiff polos, they are far from being anywhere close to bearable. School is already hard enough as it is. Who wants to have to go to school 8 hours a day, 5 out of 7 days a week, and be uncomfortable. Simply being able to wear a comfy shirt or some comfy pants, that would make my school life just that much more bearable.

Now don’t get me wrong, lots of people probably love the uniforms, but a good majority of us can’t stand them. In the student handbook it states that the uniforms are there for our sake of maintaining modest attire. If they want us all to look so modest, why have volleyball girls wear spandex? Don’t get me wrong, I play volleyball and wearing spandex is a lot easier to practice in than stiff shorts. But if Northland cares so much about our modesty and our appearance, why are we allowed to wear skin tight spandex?

Not only is the uniform a problem but the dress code has a few things that make absolutely zero sense, in my opinion. First of all, why are girls not allowed to wear backless sandals? Why is it such a crime? Did they ban them because of safety reasons, because I could just as easily trip and fall down the stairs wearing regular shoes verses if i was wearing sandals. Also one other thing that really gets on my nerves, and that’s piercings. I’ve seen plenty of people have multiple piercings in their ears or on their face. In the student handbook it says that girls are not allowed to have more than two piercings in each ear, and that they have to be worn on your earlobes. I have seen people at Northland with nose piercings, cartilage piercings, and multiple ear piercings. Why have the rule if you aren’t going to enforce it? One year in middle school I was wearing big dangly earrings and I got dress coded for it. At the time I only had one earlobe piercing, I was following dress code, but I still managed to get written up!

Also, the dress code is apparently designed to instill a sense of self-confidence. If you look good, you feel good. The school offers numerous outlets for individual expression – sports, music and art – but clothing is not one of them. Not everybody looks good in the uniform. If anything there should be a larger variety of things you can wear to school, or at least some guidelines.