Edward, Writer

E. Jason Wambsgans a photographer from the Chicago Tribune won the 2017 Pulitzer Prize Winner in the category of feature photography (Pulitzer).

The image captures a sad moment when a young boy is lying in a hospital bed and a medical practitioner behind him who looks concerned from her expression.

The boy, Tavon Tanner has tears dropping on his cheeks and he looks scared and sad.

On 17th October 2016, Jason took the photo of Tavon at Lurie Children Hospital just before he went in for a surgery, to take away a bullet that was wedged below his shoulders.

A shootout that occurred in Chicago 2016 led to the shooting of 24 children and among them was Tavon Tanner a 10- year old.

Sophomore Xu Ziyi commented: “Similar event kept on happening in the states. Although it is very sad, but what’s even worse is that no immediate action has taken place. Purchasing a gun shouldn’t be this easy.”

And undergraduate student John commented: “The tears in the eyes of the child is pretty sad.”