Food Talk with Trinity!

Thanksgiving Reflection!


Trinity Polk, Writer

My Thanksgiving was actually different and interesting this year. For half of my whole life, Thanksgiving has always been my second favorite holiday behind Christmas. But after learning how much I like food and how incredibly thankful I am, it quickly moved up to be my favorite holiday. Not because I like the food 😉

For the first time in forever, my family invited people over for Thanksgiving. Not going to lie, I was mad at first. Why would they invite people who aren’t apart of the family? I was quick to judge until after getting to know them they were pretty nice people. I found out that they weren’t going to celebrate Thanksgiving because they didn’t have any food. Luckily they came to our house, we had a lot of food. Turkey, Brisket, Ribs, Chicken stuffed with spinach, Fried chicken, Barbecue chicken, Dressing, Some weird looking eggs, Cake (Chocolate and Pound Cake), Rolls, Green beans, Some other greens, and a lot more food. But again, the food isn’t that important. They came to the right place for Thanksgiving, and it made me think that all Thanksgivings are about family. That you can bring others and still share the love and be thankful!

Now the food, the best part of Thanksgiving, in my opinion. As you already read above about how much delicious food we had. It made me appreciate how lucky we are to celebrate as a family and have food on our tables. After all the years, I think this was my favorite Thanksgiving. And I’m glad that almost all my family members were there to celebrate.