The Girl who no Longer has Eyes
Kaylee Muthart, 20, had been using meth for about six months when she freaked out on February 6 in front of a Anderson, South Carolina church Kaylee heard ‘voices that told her to sacrifice her eyes in order to make it to heaven’ moments before emergency medical units arrived. Kaylee Muthart, gouged out her own eyes near the Anderson church while high on methamphetamine on February 6th, because of this incident she wants to use her experience to keep other people off drugs. Parishioners at the South Main Chapel and Mercy Center heard Kaylee’s screams and ran outside to find her holding an eyeball in her hand. She fought them off as they tried to help, and by the time paramedics arrived she had gouged out the other eye, according to Sheriff Chad McBride of the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office. Her mother recently has said, “She wants to tell people, ‘Don’t go near it (meth).'” Later on her mother also said, “I don’t know how I’m getting through it, but she has given me strength. It’s weird to say, but she uplifts me right now and she’s the one that can’t see. That’s just the kind of person she is,” Tompkins said. “I’m thankful. It’s a horrible thing, but I’m still thankful because God spared her life.”
Just two years ago Muthart left home and began to live on the streets, this is where she began to use methamphetamine. “She never wanted to be in that life anyway,” her mother said. Muthart is still in the hospital and is recovering from this incident. Not only was she in the hospital but her brother Jermey went to the hospital because of a car accident.