Dancing Under the Moon

October 4, 2018

Tonight we dance under the moon.

This year’s homecoming will be held on Saturday October 20. It will be held at Moffitt Oaks and the address is 20125 Cedar Lane, Tomball Texas. Tickets are currently now 80 dollars and will stop being sold on October 12th. This year you will be able to purchase the tickets online on sign up genius or in person in building one by check or cash. There will be a small fee if you do purchase them online though.

Recently dress days were just announced for both the elementary campus and the secondary.   Monday elementary will be wearing their normal uniforms, and the secondary campus will be doing meme day. Tuesday through Friday both campuses will be doing decades day, dynamic duo, pajama day, and finally spirit day! This years homecoming shirts are just $13 on the Northland Cougar store website. You are currently able to purchase these shirts until midnight of October 10th. Make sure to dress up this year for homecoming week because their will be contests on who is best dressed!

Lastly this homecoming court was just announced! Freshmen Lady and Lord are Morgan Sumrow and Andrew Kubosh. Sophomore Duke and Duchess are Connor Hernandez and Madeline Wietstruck. Junior Prince and Princess are Peyton Fennelly and Sydney Reaves. The King nominees are Jack Farell, Jason Horton, Landon Frank, and Bryce Gould. The Queen nominees are Cassidy Downey, Jessisca Horton, Marley Grace, and Natalie Kubosh. There will be a google form sent out to all high school soon so you are able to vote for who you want to be King and Queen!











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