Evan’s Insight 2021: The Start of a New Season
Northland’s 2021 baseball season, previewed

February 8, 2021
As February finally progresses on, not only does soccer season come to a close, but baseball begins to peek its head right around the corner. The players begin to train in January, but the real test starts near Spring, where we take what we’ve practiced and learned and execute it during pre-season tournaments. Here, the team has to find itself through mental errors and situations that prepare the players for district play. While everyone on the team can play to their best abilities, no winning can truly be done unless all players share the same goals, including the grand and finale goal of winning the state championship. The veteran players, such as the Juniors and Seniors, have to guide the younger guys when they need guidance. Also, while the soccer guys are finishing up their season, the team will get the chance to get additional reps in before the big guns come back.
The younger freshman will hold the important role this year of being reliable pieces for the team to use whenever we need someone to perform in a big spot. They will grow and develop as players through exposure to these types of moments, and will learn the challenges and atmosphere of Varsity ball that they will manifest once the freshman leave. Hopefully, they will help the team in an effort to another successful run this year.