
March 12, 2021
Meat canyon is one of the many animation channels on youtube. Well known for his bizarre art style and animations of well known cartoons and people. Some of the creators have banned and disapproved of these cartoons because of copyright infringement. Why do some of these creators think these cartoons are hurtful to their businesses.
The reasons for this possibly happening is because some companies or businesses might have found these cartoons harmful because some of the skits for these animations can be inappropriate. There wouldn’t really be a real reason for that because Youtube has age restrictions for YouTube channels and videos as wells as YouTube kids.
These businesses shouldn’t worry shouldn’t about these cartoons affecting their business and neither should social platforms. Although you can make out who the character is in the video they don’t even look remotely close to the real thing because of his art style. He also puts links and even put pictures from the real events and cartoons so you know where he got his inspiration from. Animating and editing videos take a lot of hard work and seeing how he does animations himself I think he would understand that taking another person’s work isn’t fair which is why he gives credit if they aren’t his characters.
MeatCanyon continues to make these cartoons today and get mostly positive feedback. These cartoons may not be made for kids but they’re harmless and can be funny. Half of them being true and from real events between people.