Evan’s insight: First District home game for the Cougars approaches

March 28, 2021
The preseason games have officially ended and the first district game has been played for the Northland Christian baseball team. They played Cypress Christian at their home on Tuesday night and lost by a final of 15-1. Bad pitching and poor hitting was what let to the cougars’ demise. Although it’s only the first district game of the season with over 10 more games to play, there is much that needs to be improved upon if this year’s Cougar team wants to return to the promised land. With the next district game around the corner, there is a renewed sense of optimism that the team can turn it around and figure it all out against Cypress at home.
Before the game on Friday, I was able to get some insight from star-catcher and indisputable leader of the team Will Vogt, who when asked about his thoughts on the upcoming district game told me the following: “I think that there will be a game played. And that game will be cool.” Will’s obvious calm and collected attitude towards the game is exactly what the rest of the team needs to embrace in order to tally their first win of the season, as it’s still very early on in the season with many more improvements to be made. I also got a comment from one of the Cougars’ early spectators working at the concessions stand, which happened to be my mom, and she added, “I think they just need to stop giving up early on and keep a winning mentality”. Obviously, the only thing keeping the Cougars from achieving their final goal of another state title, at the end of the day, is themselves. Their own attitudes and how they conduct themselves during the game will reflect their play and their season results.
With more optimism for the future ahead, the Cougars look to bounce back and get the much-needed victory they’ve been looking for on Friday night.