Are you getting your License soon?

January 22, 2016
Are you getting your license soon, are you sure that you have the right documentation? If not I’m here and a few fellow students to prepare you for this very important step. First you need to make sure that you’ve taken drivers ed and then for Texas have to hold your Permit for 6 months after completing drivers ed. Junior Michael Carballo “Birth Certificate , registration, make sure everything is working lights and everything”. Junior Nick Woody says ” Get the Waze app do not speed or break the law, don’t try to show off or flex.”Mrs. Lemm has a little advice to new drivers “Do not open yourself up to distractions which is friends and phone, give yourself a safety space i.e. tailgating, know your safety space.”
So there’s some advice from the student body ,and staff.We all need a little advice sometimes be safe out there on the open road!