Basketballs big game agaisnt Fort Bend Christian

Brooke Lewis, Writer/ Publisher

The Northland Christian Cougar basketball teams are facing the Fort Bend Christian Eagles tonight. Fort Bend is a really strong, competive school that can sometimes be good even great at sports. But Northland on the other hand have been training and practicing for this day. They are ready to conquer and defeat the Fort Bend Eagles.

Junior Nick Woody says, “Fort Bend is a strong team. I’m not worried about the game but they are going to be pretty tough.” Woody has faith in his basketball team that they will beat the eagles.

Another varsity basketball player Rodney Boozer says, “Come out and support our team! It’s going to be a good game!” I absolutely agree with Rodney, come out and watch varsity basketball at 7:30! You wont regret it!