It’s time to recongize the seniors!

January 29, 2016
Our basketball teams are very excited and sad to announce our seniors at tonights game. It’s been a long journey for them and they are ready to go to the next level.
Boys basketball is loosing four very important aspects from their team. Colin Pender, Rodney Franccis, Max Zhang and Chris Edwards. “They’ve taught me a lot on what i’m suppose to do and be, i’ll miss them a lot,” says fellow teammate Nick Woody. The seniors are all going to be missed.
Girls Basketball is loosing two aspects of their team. Two foregin exchange students that have given it their all in these last three years. Fan Erika Tosh says, “I cheer for them more than I cheer for my sister because they need to feel special too.” They will be missed and what they’ve left here will continue on.
Come out to senior recognition tonight girls at 6:00 and guys at 7:30!