Who are your true friends?

Brooke Lewis, Writer/ Publisher

Have you meet someone and you feel as if yall are going be the best of friends because you connected right away? That can be considered love at first sight or bff at first sight. You can have very good friends in your life that want the best for you or, bad friends that give off bad temptations.

Right away you can see if you have a bad friend. These kinds of friends want you to do what they think is cool and they don’t care about what the outcome might be. I feel as if you don’t do what your cool, rebel friends, you feel like they’ll leave you. You don’t need that kind of person in your life.

Also, right away you can tell who your good friends are. These kind of friends see when you’re going off track and pull you back onto the right path. They want what’s best for you and want you to succeed in life. They don’t care if want to do the right things because that’s what they want for you. These are the people you need in your life.