Energy Drinks, Helpful Or Harmful?

Christa Flippen

Energy drinks have their benefits but they can also be harmful and damaging to our bodies. If you’re a busy student, a late worker, or you just need to stay awake, typically most people rely on energy drinks to get them through their day. Becky Fletcher from Express-News stated in her article that Doctors have called for consumers to stop their consumption of energy drinks due to extensive health risks, including possible miscarriages and heart problems. According to the Center for Science in the Public Intrest, since 2004, a total of 34 deaths have been linked to energy drinks. Of the 34 deaths, 5-hour energy has caused 22 of them, Monster has caused 11, and 1 death has been caused by Rockstar. Not including a suicide, these deaths include the 17 deaths previously made kn0wn by the agency and reported on by the New York Times and other media sources in 2012. Sydney O’Connell, an 8th grader at Northland Christian High School states her opinion on energy drinks. “I think they are very unhealthy, and I don’t like the idea of consuming such sugary chemicals.”

“As I see in my medical practice, energy drinks are clearly causing symptomatic arrhythmias,” said Dr. Stacy Fisher, director of complex heart diseases at University of Maryland School of Medicine. “These new reports of deaths and other injuries raise the level of concern about the adverse effects of energy drinks.”  

Consumers need to know the risks that come along with drinking these energy drinks. People could quite possibly experience high blood pressure, heart attacks, convulsions and other problems after drinking them. “How many deaths will it take to get the FDA to protect consumers from energy drinks, with their high levels of caffeine and untested herbal and chemical ingredients?” said CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson. “Since the first batch of adverse event reports became public, the death count has essentially doubled, with dozens more injured. Yet the FDA is just standing by—no public warnings, no regulations, no testing required—nothing.”

Even though energy drinks may help you to stay awake, is it really worth risking your life? Next time you pick up an energy drink, consider all the other risks that may come along with it.