Who Are the Most Influential People in History?
I have always thought what other people think of when they talk about the most influential people in the history of humanity…

March 29, 2017
Let me start off by saying that this list, understandably, could be taken as a very controversial list. I am going to be honest, a lot of the people mentioned in this list are not a familiar name in my knowledge. Which interests me to learning more about this influential bunch.
Anyhow, according to ranker.com, a website where the people vote on a variety of different subject or things (for a lack of a better word), the person voted to be the most influential person in humanity’s history is none other than Jesus Christ. Second on the list is Isaac Newton. Personally, I thought that was somewhat of a surprising person to be so high up in the list. I honestly thought that the second “place” would have gone to a religious leader or a political leader, definitely did not think it was going to be Isaac Newton. Don’t get me wrong though, I do not intend to discredit his work or his significance in today’s world; but I was not expecting him to be so high in this list. As a matter of fact, in the top ten, only three persons are religious leaders or political leaders (Jesus Christ – 1st, Muhammad – 6th, and Alexander the Great – 10th). To my surprise, in the top ten, seven are mathematicians or scientists (Isaac Newton – 2nd, Albert Einstein – 3rd, Leonardo da Vinci – 4th, Aristotle – 5th, Galileo Galilei – 7th, Plato – 8th, Charles Darwin – 9th). All of them are extremely important for humanity and their works are used by most people in the world. In other words, their work has not gone unnoticed.
The first women to make the list is Marie Curie. Placed 31st, she won 2 Nobel Prize. One for chemistry and another one for physics. She truly is someone that is influential to all scientist and all those that had to overcome huge obstacle to be what she wanted to be. Once again, I was somewhat surprised to see her as the first women in this list. I was expecting a religious leader or war hero like St. Joan of Arc. The next women’s on the list happen to go consecutively. Anne Frank (60th), St. Joan of Arc (61st) and Mother Teresa (62nd) all placed one next to the other.
As I finished going over all these outstanding figures of our humanity, it makes me think of the true impact each one of them had on our society. Also, all those that did not have the exposure they deserved in this list is outstanding for me to think because of what they could have meant to us. Anyhow, it was truly amazing reading and learning about all these figures of humanity.