My Year at a Glance
May 12, 2017
Over the six years I’ve been at Northland, this one was by far the hardest. Seeing as this was my first year of high school, I experienced many changes. This year was both different but, extremely exciting. Throughout freshman year I had up’s, down’s, made new friends and I’ve made so many fun memories.
When people tell you that high school is nothing like middle school, they are completely right. Even though the classes were harder, I managed to pull through and I made the best of it. I made the most fun and exciting memories this year with friends that I love dearly. This year was filled with many highlights but there was one that stood out to me. The highlight of my freshman year was joining the soccer team. It’s amazing to see how many friends I made and the laughs we had. Even though sports aren’t that fun, being on a team teaches you how to work together with people. The second highlight was being on the debate team. Debate is something that I know I will use and that will benefit me in the future. I had so much fun this year with the different people, traveling
and food! One of the lowlights of my year was defiantly all of the studying. I know that’s what school is about but, who likes to study? I will always remember my freshman year as being the year of fun times with great friends.
I am very excited for next year. Obviously, sophomore year is going to be even more challenging than this year but, I’ll have help along the way. What makes me even more excited is that I will still have the same friends with me and the only thing we have to worry about are grades and making even more memories. I love Northland and everything this school has done for me.