Salty with Sara (school edition)
I need more sleep!

September 27, 2017
There’s nothing worse than hearing your own alarm clock go off in the morning. It’s a struggle, I know. I “have” to wake up at 5:20 a.m. for practice almost every morning to then go to school all day. For others, they are up all night doing homework to the point that their brain might explode. Northland’s bell rings at 8:00 a.m. and all of us who are trudging or running our way to first period whether we are late or tired are due to lack of sleep (or will to go to school). Totally relatable, amiright? Continuing on, students are unable to focus on the lesson as they are subtly zoning out on a lesson or assignment. The problem is that students have extracurricular activities and homework and stress. Those things make a terrible mix which causes terrible sleeping habits. According to The Sleep Foundation, sleep is food for the brain and they go on to say that skipping sleep can be harmful and maybe to some cases, deadly. So how do we fix this problem?
There’s a solution to this problem! Two words. Time management. Yeah, it’s easier said than done. At times I can be a procrastinator and spend most of my time either listening to music, watching Youtube videos, or watching t.v. Reasons for this are because I am either tired and don’t want to work on homework or I am just lazy which leads to my tiredness. I have noticed if I write my homework in a journal and stay committed to working on homework I end up finishing earlier and am able to go to bed at a decent time.
Sadly, this is not the case for everyone. Some students legit have loads of homework every night. I know of some friends who take AP classes and they end up having meltdowns when they come home from school because they are so stressed.
Another case for lack of sleep is that people may be struggling with a certain subject and so that leads to hours upon hours trying to study or finish an assignment.
As petty as this topic is, overall, I think we should have less homework, which isn’t going to happen. On the positive side, teachers/tutors are willing to help with academics. Friends are a great source of venting and parents are another great source for advice and motivation. (You can also pray which also really helps). Make the most of your school years because it just gets harder, so enjoy your years in high school while you have it.