Miss Universe 2015

October 4, 2017
The Miss Universe Pageant is famous around the world, but in 2015 the show went all wrong. During the 2015 Miss Universe Pageant Mr. Harvey (the host) called up the top five countries standing to compete for the Miss Universe Pageant which were France, Australia, USA, Colombia, and the Philippines. As Harvey began to call the runners up it finally came up to the last two contestants which were France and the Philippines. Finally it was the moment of truth he ended up calling the winner of Miss Universe Colombia, but at this moment he did not realize he accidentally called the wrong winner. As the Crowd applauded for Colombia since they thought she was the winner of Miss Universe Harvey got on the microphone and said there was a mistake. The Crowd could not believe their eyes the thought of Philippines winning did not cross their minds. Once Harvey began to talk he announced the actual winner of the pageant which ended up to be Philippines. Many people thought it was extremely devastating how the crown was place on Colombia and taken so suddenly, but other did not mind . Soon after this happened Mr. Harvey apologized for his accident.
This is extremely saddening how Colombia had her moment but got it taken away so suddenly. Although both contestants would have been amazing fits for the job there was only once spot. I truly believe it was the right choice for Miss Philippines to win this title, because she was better fit for the Job. Colombia was also amazing but she did not seem as if she would have filled the job completely.