Let’s talk: Conspiracy theories
November 2, 2017
Over the past couple of years, conspiracy theories have been rolling all over social media platforms. What are conspiracy theories? Well, for an exact definition:”A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.”
One of my favorite things to do is to watch conspiracy theories on Youtube. There are all kinds of theories such as, The Mandela Effect, How the illuminati is taking over the world, What you don’t know about Hollywood, and all kinds of topics.
About a year ago, there was a HUGE conspiracy theory going around about, “The Mandela Effect.” The Mandela effect is possibly something you remember one way but it ends up being another. For example, some people remember “McDonald’s” as “MACDonald’s” or “Whataburger” and “WATERburger”. Below is a picture showing different kinds of conspiracy theories that other people have picked up on. Maybe even a reasoning of why our brains are thinking this way?
There can literally be a conspiracy theory on basically anything. I guess it’s just a fun way of looking at things from a different perspective. Though, others are convinced that there is some type of scientific reasoning behind all of this. At times, conspiracy theories are hard to determine whether they are true or not because they are pretty convincing. What do you think? Are conspiracy theories true or made up?