
Emily Yu

Ge and Xin are really good friends and they went to Japan to study together. They went to Japan together and said they are the beast friends forever.

But this is the beginning of tragedy. Xin’s boyfriends Chen always came to find her, but after they separated, he also did it everyday and even menaced or followed her scarcely. These action made Xin felt really uncomfortable and fearful, so she moved to live with Ge. Ge agreed it at once. But Chen use following her to find her. Then he always wanted to talk to Xin and did some violent action. In fact, he was just like evil person. On third November 2016, Chen came again. And Xin saw him and asked him to go away, then she chat with Ge to discuss things that they would do when they arrived at home and at last, Ge needed to prepare the dinner for them. Xin arrived home first. Thirty minutes has gone, there are sounds of steps with communication. Then the sound of breaking things. And a girl shouted loudly. Xin realized something strange and that voice that shouted is Ge’s. She ran to door quickly, she wanted open the door first, then she hesitate. At last, she locked the door and did not open anymore.

She locked the door and called to police. Then when police arrived, Ge was killed by Chen and Chen use knife to stabbed Ge more than ten times. After the proving to police, Xin dissipated. Ge’ mother wanted to find her and talked to her. She wanted know how her daughter could be like this. She is a single mom and she loved Ge. Ge is all of her life. She should to know facts. But nobody appear to tell her anything.

After 300 days, Xin met Ge’s mother and they have a conversation. Now, many people are pleasing government to give Chen death penalty. Because in Japanese law, there may be not death penalty, if someone kill others deliberate. So many people are helping Ge’s mother and encouraging her to pick up the loving of life.