Final exams are almost here

December 11, 2017
As the semester is coming to an end final exams are just around the corner. Tests will begin on December 18th and go till December 21st. The schedule is the same as previous years which is Monday 1st and 3rd period, Tuesday 2nd and 4th period, Wednesday 5th and 7th period, and Thursday 6th and 8th period.
The first test will start at 8 am and go till 9:30am and the second test will start at 9:40 and go till 11:10am. If you do not have a test during that period you do not have to show up.If you are going out of town early you must make sure you notify Mr. Kraner or Coach Norwood in order to change your test date.
For grades 6th through 8th these tests will count 15 percent of your grade, but if you are in highschool the test will count 20 percent of your grade. Senior Jerry Webster says, ” Ugh I hate finals.” Also in addition to that Junior Melanie Talley says,” I just want this school year to be over with.”