What is going on with the Seniors these days?

February 12, 2018
With four more months left for the seniors, a lot are ready to be done. Myself included. I think this semester is really hitting seniors hard because most of the seniors have already gotten accepted in college and have a plan, and at this time, it’s like, “what’s the point?” Though, I can tell the teachers are getting aggravated with our class because of our lack of motivation. This picture below, nicely explains what a toll senioritis has upon a person.
I know of a few people who want to drop out of high school right now, but guess what? They can’t give up now? Now that we have four more months left.
I have to be honest here. There have been times where I have homework less nights because I’m simply, “too lazy” or spark note a book (what’s new?) or do other things I shouldn’t be doing 🙂
Yup, basically a senior in a nutshell 🙂 You’re not the only one, so if you’re really struggling there’s probably another senior who’s going through these tough times too. It’s only a matter of time before our time is up and we graduate!