The Stress of Getting into College

Joanne Tiglao, Writer

As many NCS seniors are going from high school to college, it is a stressful time.

During Senior year are many things to be looked at, most importantly college. It is quite stressful transitioning from high school into the college life. Things that are included are grades, scholarships, SAT and ACT testing as well as applications. Each are equally important to be considered by colleges.

Each student is under different types of pressures. Those that were listed such as testing, applications, grades, and parental pressure. Another is being unsure of what field of study to take. When deciding what field to study, we are definitely influenced by what our parents jobs are or what they recommend us to take. Some students may face constant reminder from their parents of what they should take. Something that is also just as stressful is SAT and ACT testing. Getting prepared is one thing but going in and taking the test is stressful. Things that come into play are: being nervous in testing, not being prepared enough, and not enough sleep or a balanced breakfast. These scores are quite important to get accepted into college. Applications are long and detailed. You have to make sure you have essays, recommendations, information about yourself, and transcripts. If an application is not done correctly, it might be put to the side. Each of these things builds up upon a senior student quickly. All while doing school work and possibly taking AP and DC courses, they have to work on applications and other things for college.

Senior Britney Trieu says, “I’m not a fan of the education system having us choose where to go to college and choose what we want to major in at the ripe age of 18, and I guess that time has come now— senior year! It doesn’t really end either because after college applications is scholarship applications. A fun year lies ahead, but I’m looking forward to being done with all these college/scholarships applications & AP classes.”

To be less stressed with the process of senior year, make sure to relax and take breaks. Worrying about your mental and physical health is just as important as your responsibilities at school. Work hard in school and in your community to have colleges be more interested in you. Also, be organized and have everything in order. Another important tip is to apply and look for colleges as soon as possible. Never wait last minute to apply!



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