Hurry up Spring Break!
What I did last spring break and what I’m doing this spring break.

February 3, 2019
Although we might’ve just came back from Winter break I can not wait for Spring Break! I know that it’s only February but if I can get a break for school I’m all for it. Spring break is one of my favorite breaks because it means Summer is extremely close and we will be out of school for three months.
I honestly don’t really do anything for spring break though. It can sometimes be boring because majority of my friends go places. Last year I got to go to Breckenridge to go ski my first time. I was super nervous and scared but honestly it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Although the first couple of times or maybe even more I fell a ton. After I got the hang of it I started to go on the blue slopes which is a level higher than the green slopes. That was a mistake though little did I know I was not ready for that. My first time going down the blue slope I fell about ten times (hahaha).
This year’s spring break we are taking a break from skiing and staying in Houston. We are going to the rodeo which should be fun. I haven’t gone to the rodeo since I was eight which is a long time, but hopefully it’s fun! I can not wait for Spring break and see what it has in store!