The National Day of China
October 1, 2019
Yesterday is the national day of China, that was the 70 years birth day of China. In the 70 years ago the new China are build.that was the very important time for all of the Chinese, and for now, 70 years later, we rise and change a lot, be stronger.last night in the dorm, at 9’clock, we site on the sofa and watch the National Day parade, we watch it every single years.that was a very big active and in china people will have like 9 days holiday, everyone one it.
Yi si say that:I love my country, and if we have break it will better.
Junche Shen say: This time all of the Chinese should be remember, because in 70 years ago many of warriors die for he say this is the very important time for us, that was not only a celebration, that was a memory.