Outside Activites

October 30, 2015
Although Northland provides many extra curicular activities, our students here are very active outside of school. A junior here at Northland, Savannah Berkland, voluenteers at an aminal shelter that is against killing and mistreating animals. She also says that they can use all the help they need. The more voluenteers they have, the more the animals are taken care of and treated.
The shelter is called the AAR (Abandoned Animal Rescue) that is located in Tomball Texas. To find out more information about this shelter go to their website http://www.aartomball.org/ .
Savannah has a love for animals and she wants them to find caring, nurtring homes to live in. Savannah says, “If I were to donate my time to something it would be this shelter.” If you have a passion for taking care of animals, go to Savannah Berkland and ask her about what you can do to help these uncared for animlas.