Students in Northland work vigorously as Thanksgiving break approaches

Students in art work hard in anticipation of upcoming break

Evan Rebhorn

Thanksgiving break, so tantalizingly close for many students at Northland, brings with it an exception to the long week-off students are given: the Fall grind that comes with it. While many students are ready to reset and take a week off, the busiest week of the fall, for most students, is still running its course. Some classes are busier than others, while some are completely swamped in work.

One of the busiest classes this week is the art class. Firstly, Blake Collins, who is in Mr. Rogers art class, working on an abstract painting that has taken almost two weeks to complete. Next, we have Josh Warnock, who works on a one-point perspective drawing in class. Lastly, Chance Weddington works on another abstract piece made of smiley-faces, and him and other art students hope to get all of their projects done before the end of the week deadline.

Hopefully, the work put in by the art students and the rest of the Northland body will result in a satisfying payoff, which will come from the anticipated week-long break.