Holiday of Easter

April 1, 2021
Easter, is a christian holiday held on April 4th. It is the holiday as which christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nowadays people celebrate by throwing small gatherings, Easter egg hunts, and dinners. This year with COVID-19, I will be celebrating at home with a small group of family, and enjoying a dinner. Many people have their own ways of celebrating the resurrection of Christ, but the egg which is a stereotypical easter tradition represents, new life, just as Christ was born again.
Andrew Huynh, a senior says, “Easter is a christian festival, and holiday of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. For Easter my family and I are go out for dinner, and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.” Like many Christians, Andrew celebrates Easter with his family, while giving thanks to the Lord. Andrew and I will celebrate Easter in similar ways, as we are christians. As friends I hope to celebrate easter with Andrew, as we can see each other now.
TJ, a senior says,”Easter is the celebration of Jesus resurrecting from the dead. The way I celebrate it is by going to my grandmas and spending time with my family and doing activities. Things like egg hunts and painting eggs.” Like me, TJ celebrates the traditional way, with egg hunts, and family gatherings. COVID-19, has changed the world, so celebrating this way could be a concern, but thankfully Texas has lightened its restrictions.
Finally, 77% of people said they celebrated easter in 2020, however 95 countries take part in the holiday of Easter, making it a worldwide holiday and tradition. With COVID, celebrating easter could be a struggle in some places, but thankfully the mask and restrictions have been lifted, so we can celebrate easter with family and friends the fun way! Easter is a fun, and great holiday, as there is food, parties, and most importantly celebrating Jesus. I wish to celebrate easter with family and friends, as I am older I do not partake in egg hunts, but doing so would be fun, and bring back many memories from my childhood.