2020-2021 NCS School Year
Why the senior year of 2021 stood out to me
May 10, 2021
2020-2021 has been a very long school year for many. Since the early stages of COVID-19 in early March of 2020, Coronavirus shut down the world and especially Northland Christian School. Since the outbreak, school was pushed to online in hopes of stopping the virus, and protecting the Northland Christian community. The beginning of the school year was a smooth transition, because many kids were familiar with how things were running being online. Northland offered an in person option to those who were comfortable with exposing themselves to the public.

Since given the opportunity to study from home I choose to. Lots of students enjoyed the feeling of being an a environment, socializing with one another while still practicing social distancing and wearing face coverings. I saw an opportunity and took it, by being at home for school, I saw the opportunity to explore new things like work and some small vacations. Receiving the option to go around the country and study was great, because I did not have to physically attend a class, and could log on virtually and learn while doing other things, like work.
Mackenzie Lee Hoffman a senior at Northland Christian said, “I was in person from the first day of school until January because my mom needed surgery and we didn’t want to risk getting covid. I am now finishing out the year online and I like it better because I am less stressed and I can work more at my own pace. At school I only have limited time to work on my things for the class I am in, but online, I can work on it any time.” Kenzie went to school for half a year and switched to online, she enjoyed her experience at home because it gave her the opportunity to study and explore new things from home. Kenzie also stated that she can work on her own pace without being rushed by teachers. This is a perk of being online you go at your own time, not going by a school schedule, and by staying at home you can relax during class and while you have a free period you can feel at paradise.
Andrew Huynh a Senior at Northland Christian said ” While I spent school online, I was fortunate enough to go in person for a week, and that was recent too. While school still felt like jail, it felt like prison because of the mask rules and social distancing rules, I love online school because I can relax and not be bothered by some of the teachers. Staying at home has given me the opportunity to get a job at Chickfila, where I have learnt many things and wish to continue my journey there!” Andrew, like Kenzie has experienced both in person and online. Like me, Andrew can work, relax and do school all at the same time. While school may seem fun at times 99% of the time people who do online prefer it as they are relaxed, and given an advantage.

School has been a fun experience overall, and has given me the opportunity to learn new things, and experience the work force first hand. While I still saw and met my friends, it was a fun year overall. Prom was different as to how its seen in movies and social media, even though we attend a private school I still thought it would be some what the same. While prom was an experience I will never forget, we still had COVID precautions in lay such as masks, disinfectant, and social distancing. This years school year is like no others and will be unique from anything else, as everything was online, and were faced with a global pandemic. I had an excellent overall experience and I am happy to say that I enjoyed it.