Homecomings of Past

Darin Bowden, Writer

Homecomings have been a long standing tradition for every school and Northland is no exception. Past yearbooks show illustrations of all students dancing together and enjoying themselves. (Pictured)

Two people come to mind when someone asks who has been at Northland the longest, and they are Coach Lemm and Coach Court.  Coach Lemm has been at Northland for a very long time, but she never went to Homecoming. The longest standing tradition that she can think of are the dress up days and she says that it is fun to put it all together.

Coach Court’s first Homecoming was in 2004 and the most prominent thing that changed has been the location. The original Homecomings were actually at a separate location and everyone went to Olive Garden beforehand to get food because it was not served .  The first tradition that comes to her mind is the mums. When asked about her favorite theme she said, “The Mission Impossible Theme from my senior year, which was in 2007.”