A Tragedy in Houston, 2017


Marshall Ingram, Writer

Houston, Texas has experienced a   1,000 year flood.  The people of Houston have never experienced anything like it before.  We have had floods, but nothing where the entire city has gone under water.  About 2.3 million people live in Houston, and almost everyone was effected by Hurricane Harvey.  Harvey wrecked up to one million cars from the flooding.  This is a tragedy that has happened in Houston.

This past week we were affected by Hurricane Harvey.  Houston, and all of the coast were destroyed by the water and wind.  The town that was the most devastating was Rockport.  The hurricane hit right on top of Rockport.  I witnessed a lot of things this past week.  I saw the water up to the second story of houses.  I saw cars covered completely by water, and seeing the devastating pictures of Rockport.  When the rain had passed I was helping my friends who got flooded to clean out their houses.

We had to tear their house almost completely apart.  It was sad to see all of their things go into the trash.  I could tell that the families we were helping were in shock.  They were sad to see all of their things go to the trash.  One of the worst parts about it was seeing the stuff that they could not get back go to waste.  Things like pictures and things inherited from your family being thrown away because of the flood.  I drove through a neighborhood where every house was flooded out.  It was weird seeing their walls and the torn up floors on their front yard.  I had never seen anything like it before.

Sources: https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/08/this-is-probably-the-worst-us-flood-storm-ever-and-ill-never-be-the-same/
