Spilling The Tea With Ximena: Fake People

Spilling The Tea With Ximena: Fake People

Ximena Reyna, Editor

As we live our lives we constantly hear cliche remarks like, “You live and you learn”, “Everything happens for a reason” and “Keep calm and carry on”. But, what these cliches don’t really warn us about are the fake people we will encounter in our daily life. In our journey to life there are always going to be people who want to bring you down, who are jealous of you or are just plain rude to you. But, we all knew that. What we did not know is that there will be people who will act nice to and pretend that they like you but then talk about you behind your back about how much they hate you, fake.

As a teenaged girl whose in high school, I face this problem every single day. It’s really upsetting having these people that you thought were close to you, be so mean. Now, as I write this rant I have the huge opportunity to expose these people but I refrain from that, because I myself am I good person who cares about others’ feelings.

There will never be a way to escape gossip, especially as a teenager. The only way you can do something about it is standing up for other and for yourself when someone is gossiping and don’t stoop to their level of immaturity. It’s amazing to see how great of a person you become when you mind your own business and care for yourself while someone else has nothing better to do than to talk about you. Like wow thank you! Really, It’s obvious you think about me than you do yourself, I’m flattered.

It’s really important to surround yourself with people you can trust and people that won’t ever let you down. But, then again we can’t always rely on others for happiness. Regardless of all of the fake people I have ever met and still have present in my life, my real friends outweigh any negatives. It is so crucial to be happy with yourself and work on bettering yourself every day, not for others but for your own benefit.

With all of these cliches we constantly hear, it’s hard to not think about reality and rational situations. But, when we do think about reality we realize how sucky it truly is. But, no matter how sucky these fake people are, just
pray for them.