Please put down your phone!

Emily Yu

Please put down your phone!

Today almost everyone has mobile phone, When we are boring, we always play our phones. But have you ever thought is it good for us to plat phone? It is really funny and you can see the different event from different places. You can use that small screen to see the whole world, but it is also has many disadvantages.

It is not good for our eyes. And if you alway watch your phone for a long time, your eyes can not accept and bear the light. And the screen of phone is really small and you need to watch it directly. And there is a news. There is a boy who play his phone for more than 20 hours, his cervical vertebra broken. And his age is 15, but his body is 60 years old. Health is the most important thing of people. There are half the world’s people are shortsightedness. It is a really serious problem. And when you see your phone in dark night. It is really light and your eyes can breed a kind of spot and it is on your cornea. If you see it for a long time, you may not see thing anymore. So you use your mobile phone, but you need to pay more attention on your heath and play it just for fun.

It can spend too many time. When you talk to your friends, time takes will very quickly. It may take you too many time and you can not have time to do more important things. There are many games on phones. You may enthrallment them and you do not think other things. This thing may influence your life. You do not care about your family and friends. There are many people play phones on table when they have dinner with others. It is rude and you need to have conversation to your family. Only one phone may separate the distance from parents and you. And there are some dangerous games online. It asks you to kill others or yourself. Games use your curiosity to control you.

So phone can help you connect with your friends, but it is also has many disadvantages. You can use it, but you need to plan your time and judge whether it is safe. Please put down your
phone to see how this world is wonderful and join in the nature world.