Winter Break of Bliss: A Column by Sara (not salty)

Sara Zollo, Writer for NCS Claw

During the winter break, I had a lot of time to spend to myself, hang out with friends and family, and overall just enjoy my break. Most of the time I watched t.v. with my sister or was on my computer or going to the movies (I watched, “The Greatest Showman” and “Pitch Perfect 3″). I tried to go on a run everyday so I could get some exercise , because if I don’t, then I will just be laying around all day which I hate. I am the type of person if I don’t do anything all day or days in a row then I get “crazy” because I need to find something to do with my time. I also ate a lot of food and did a lot of shopping which I probably shouldn’t have done, but oh well. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Being on break gave me a lot of time to relax and not think about school which was nice because I was at my tipping point with school. Now that I’m back at school, I feel somewhat optimistic about the new year and with the last semester coming up. Though, I do have a feeling that I will reach my breaking point and by then it will be spring break. 🙂