Tragic School Shooting


Emmalee Schraeder, Writer

Recently on Wednesday February 14th there was a school shooting at a Florida high school. Many people state say the shooter who is Nikolas Cruz arrived on campus around 2:20 and somehow activated the fire alarm system inside this school and this made everyone go outside. Many people were confused about the whole situation because there had already been a fire drill that had taken place at school that day. As this all took place Cruz walked the halls shooting in classrooms and injuring and killing several people. Once everyone figured out what was going on students and staff were extremely scared. Many students were texting their loved ones saying what was all going on and sending their last text. Many of the victims who lost their lives were not only students but also teachers. For example, one of the coaches were killed because of protecting students and trying to shield students from the shooter.

Personally when I heard this news I was so sadden especially because there has been many incidents with guns at school that have already happened this year. I think there should be more gun laws because I think it is getting out of hand. It has been said that the shooter was “mentally ill” although people have said this I think there just be a punishment for this man. This is because students and staff should not have to be concerned about the space many people have spoken about this such as celebrities.

*Three of the victims who lost their lives*

