Chatting with Mal

February 25, 2020
Senioritis is Real.
As we are more than a couple of months away from school ending, sitting in class is much harder. Maybe some senior grades are dropping because they don’t listen, they are skipping classes, or confusing their priorities with other things.
A lot of Northlands 2020 senior class, is ready to graduate. They all know where they are going to school. This causes students to be overwhelmed because they are now thinking about college and their next steps in life. Everyone is now starting to grow up even if they don’t want too and that can be stressful for some. I don’t like change, I am comfortable where I am at but sometimes God pushes us to do bigger and better things in life. We all have to move on eventually.
Becoming a senior is filled with anxiousness and exciting events. Hannah Gilliland states, “I am not ready to leave my friends.” Maddie states, “I’m ready to graduate but it is bittersweet knowing I have to leave.”