Complaining with Marcos: Why Whataburger is not the best fast-food joint

Marcos Bell, Writer

Many people are aware that Whataburger is a Fast-food joint that is primarily based in Texas. Many kids and adults savor over this joint, for some odd reason. Today I will explain why this is not such a good place to eat.

Whataburger in the first place is fast-food, so obviously it is not going to be the greatest quality or the healthiest option. However according to Chick-fil-A (, Chick-fil-A provides quality behind their ingredients, which ensures better quality and better tasting food! Unlike Chick-fil-A, Whataburger does not guarantee great quality food, however they provide low quality and highly priced food.

Whataburger provides you with flat burgers, and a pricey ticket in the end. Comparing this to other places, According to the McDonald’s website (, McDonald’s provides the same thing a quarter pounder which looks like a burger, and is half the price. Whataburger has great advertising, which draws in people to believe they are getting the bang for their buck, when in reality you are getting overpriced dog food! This is why Whataburger is not the best option when it comes to fast-food.