The World’s Best Show Is Back!
Grab your popcorn ladies and gentlemen!
Friday, October 11, 2019, Netflix officially released season two of Insatiable. Which is one of my favorite shows might I add.
Insatiable is an American comedy-drama series that is about, a girl, Patty, who is a bullied teenager that turns to beauty pageants as a way to get revenge. She has the help of her pageant coach who soon realizes he’s in over his head.
I totally recommend this show! When I was watching season 1 and 2 of Insatiable, I went through a rollercoaster of emotions.
But, many people have different opinions on this show. Before the first season of Insatiable came out, the show was surrounded by negativity. As it talks about heavy set people and eating disorders, a lot of people believed that the show should be canceled. While reading through many reviews about the show Insatiable, I came across a review that struck out, “Such an amazing show. Reading all the negative publicity around it made me curious just how bad this show was. But what I found was a shining gem of black comedy. For all those “do-gooders” who thought this show will “damage young minds” do not know how cathartic this show is to someone who is actually going through eating -disorder. The whole premise of the show about a “fat girl going to beauty pageants” kind of looks obnoxious in the beginning, especially in the trailers. But that is how fat people are treated in real life. They are termed ugly even before they can introduce themselves to others. And the same way it takes others time and a bit of empathy to see the great personalities of people; This show reveals great plotting and layers of satire once it has established its absurd world of pageantry. Viewing this show made me aware of the hypocrisy and bias of all those critics who gave it 13 % on rotten tomatoes. They viewed this show as a “fat Cinderella’s weight-loss story meets Heathers” and immediately came to the conclusion that this show is fat-shaming people. Obviously, they were offended, angry, and already had their pitchforks ready to bleed it dead even before watching it. By doing this they became exactly like the people who did the fat-shaming, judging someone and something only from the outside. Let me make this clear if you are looking to be offended by fat-shaming go watch the Korean movie “my 200-pound beauty”. The movie has a similar premise set in the Korean music industry and preaches how being beautiful from outside will definitely solve all your problems. This show, on the other hand, puts meticulous effort into proving that no matter how you are perceived from outside your inner beauty or ugliness will decide your fate and happiness. I cannot even wrap my mind around the fact that they even started a petition to prevent it from airing. They should focus their attention to shows like “13 Reasons Why ” which actually glamorize suicide and rape, latching onto such grave issues only to seek attention. “Insatiable” is exactly the opposite of such shows although it treads a similar path in the beginning. The characters are both superficial and deep, emotionally stupid and smart simultaneously and for a regular viewer already biased by the media into taking sides before going through the whole journey, it will be very difficult to enjoy the ride because how can you go on a new journey if you have already taken a stand. So bring an open mind and you will find that “Insatiable” is deliciously sumptuous.” I agree with this review one-hundred percent and I am so glad they pointed it out because many people judge the show before actually watching it.
After I finished watching season 2 in three days and it did not fail me in any way, I sadly have to wait till season three is out. Let’s hope that season 3 won’t fail us all!

On June 9, 2004, Trinity was born in Houston, Texas. Trinity has attended two schools. For seven years, she attended Champions Christian Academy then she...