My First Thanksgiving

My First Thanksgiving

Wendy Jiang, writer

A long time ago in China, many people don’t celebrate or know about Thanksgiving, my first time to celebrate it was at one of my friend’s house,her dad is American and they lived in China. They invited me and my mom for the celebration at their house, I was very excited.

We went for a quick dinner at that Thursday since school does not have a break. Their house was not decorated, but all the family members gathered together in the kitchen. I went to play with her in her room while our parents were cooking the turkey. Her little brother followed her where ever she goes, throwing things on the ground and turning the room into a mess. She doesn’t really care, as long as her brother does not bother her. Soon the dinner was ready and we sat down around the table and ate the turkey.

After dinner she showed me cards sent from her grandma from Ohioan,  we played for a while and I wenthome.

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