Famous Authors and Their Favorite Books

Wendy Jiang

Reading is a very beneficial habit and many people loves to read. Each book has its own point and teaches us different lessons.This is an article picked from mentalfloss.com that wrote about 21 famous authors and their favorite books.

Author of Harry Potter and The Silkworm,J.K. Rowling’s favorite book with a classic: Jane Austen’s Emma.One of her favorite books as a child was The story if theTreasure Seekers by E. Nesbit.Rowing said:”Oswald is such a very real narrator, at a time when most people were writing morality plays for children.”

The poet and author,Maya Angelou,has many favorite books,such as Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities and  Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women.”When I read Alcott, I knew that these girls she was talking about were all white,” Angelou said. “But they were nice girls and I understood them. I felt like I was almost there with them in their living room and their kitchen.”

Mrs.McCathran’s  have her favorite book,too.Her favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. “It is an amazing story which I can read over and over again. ” said Mrs.McCathran,”I love that the main character is a young girl and that she is such a strong character. The story teaches us about how to treat each other and is so powerful.”
