2017- WOW


Marshall Ingram, Writer

2017 has been good and bad, but that is every year. I want to say that there have been more ups than downs. People should focus on the good times more than the bad ones. If you just focus on the bad times then your life will be miserable, and every year will be bad.


There have been many good and bad things of 2017. One bad time that almost everyone in South Texas will remember is Hurricane Harvey. It tore people’s homes, families, and lives apart. It also brought the state together though. People worked together to help each other. There was also school. It seems like school is always on the bad side of the review. A few good things were the Northland baseball team went to the state tournament. The Astros had an excellent year which led them to win the World Series. I got to travel a lot for baseball which was a lot of fun, and I was nominated for All-District for football.


There were a lot of bad times of 2017, but we need to focus on the good ones. There were obviously many more good times than there were bad ones. The city of Houston was torn apart, but then it was brought together. I can say that 2017 was a pretty good year overall.