My Exciting Week

My Exciting Week

As I’m waiting for Summer to come, I am trying to stay positive and be happy all the time, which is actually hard. Struggling to make sure my grades are good, trying to be the best I can be in a sport, and focusing on how much I need to practice for Orchestra can be so stressful. So keeping a positive mind can be pretty challenging. Today, I’m going to talk more about all the good things for once!

To start off, my week has been awesome. So many eventful things are going on and it’s pretty exciting. First, is that my closest friend is coming back to Northland. How exciting is that? And also knowing that she will also do Cross Country with me makes me so excited for school to start next year, Shocking!

Another eventful thing that happened this week was definitely shopping for dresses, my church is having a gala for their twenty-fifth anniversary and I am pretty excited! Just shopping, in general, was great. We also learned that a store by our house was moving and everything in the store was forty percent off. Let me just tell I had an arm full of clothes!

One event that has been in my mind lately is definitely Spring Break! I can not wait for Spring Break to come, even though I would probably be in my bed half the time! Another exciting thing about my Spring Break is going to Six Flags for my friend’s birthday, honestly can’t wait.

These are basically all the events I can’t wait for, just thinking about how school is almost over, hanging out with my friends, going shopping, and Spring Break makes me feel like I am being spoiled so much.