The Leaves are Falling

Mallory Murray, Writer

It is the best time of the year, Northland Christian is enjoying the weather the past couple days. Even though we do not get all the types of weather like snow, it sure does get chilly here in Houston.

Northland cares about still looking in uniform and even though it is cold outside, we still have to make sure we are in dress code. Students are allowed to wear non northland jackets ONLY if we get permission and they have to be school appropriate. Studies shown that the cooler the weather, the more it boosts your brain. Outside of Northland, we can pull out our sweaters and jeans to get ready for this winter and fall and get ready for soccer and basketball.

Hopefully the weather stays like this for a while because faculty, staff, and students love it. Fall and winter make people come to school with bright and smiley faces. Even though we don’t get all the seasons, we never talk this for granted.