Finals Season = The Best Season

Finals Season = The Best Season

Ximena Reyna

It’s getting to be the end of te school year. Many students are stressing and teachers couldn’t be happier. But, as summer comes up so do class finals. Wether you’re taking one or eight finals, the stress gets to you. Especially the seniors, our beloved seniors are trying their hardest to hold on to the last bit of high school that they have left.

One piece of advice: it’ll be okay! As students study for finals they are so hung on the fact that they need a good grade. And, of course you don’t want to fail but it’s not the end of the world, in the end it’ll all be okay.

A student from Northland says, “I’m so excited for summer but the only thing in between summer and I is finals.”

Seniors have it easy, they don’t have to take any of their finals but they have something even bigger ahead of them, college. And, they’ve had their fair share of finals in their high school journey.

All in all, it doesn’t matter how nervous or stressed you are for your final exams, it’ll be over before you know it and you’ll be on a beach somewhere in no time. But, don’t worry!! School starts again in August, and the cycle begins again.