Northland’s New Addition: First Ever Male Cheerleader


With so many changes going around school, one huge change has caught the attention of everyone. Northland starts a new legacy this year as they officially introduce their first ever male cheerleader, Sophomore Anthony Schurle. As Anthony takes the field, many have noticed the huge impact he has caused so far.

Including all the pressures of being the first male cheerleader, Anthony explains, “It feels almost revolutionary to be the first male cheerleader at Northland because of the very few males in the sport. Males in cheerleading is heading towards a norm and it feels awesome to be a part of it.”

He describes his experience so far as pretty amazing and that the team has welcomed with open arms. People also in the stands are ecstatic when they see Anthony on the field, as they chant his name every time he shows off his amazing tumbling skills.

Mrs. Downey, the cheer coach, boasts about him and how he has made such an impact on the team so far.

“It’s definitely been a difference. Number one, he’s our best tumbler and probably one of our best jumpers, he’s so strong, has a lot of stunting knowledge, and he’s been really good and patient at helping to teach some of the girls the new ways to do stunts. He brings a lot of knowledge with him, a lot of experience, and it’s really helped us be more creative on how to incorporate him into tumbling, stunting, jumping into what we do regularly… He’s been a fantastic addition to our squad.”

And according to Coach Downey, the girls also love him so far!

Anthony first started cheerleading in the third grade because of his sister and gave it a shot once he had seen other males do it, and is now going onto his seventh year of cheerleading. He explains that his biggest motivation is the eagerness to learn new skills and the joy from the sport, “I constantly am racing with my friends to develop skills faster and I find satisfaction when I am finally able to do a skill after all the work I put into acquiring it.”